
4 Ways to use the Content Your Brand Advocates Are Creating

Brand Advocates love…     You     Social Media     Helping others So don’t waste their efforts, here are some great ways to leverage the power of your brand advocates: Punch Up Your Landing Page: Display their reviews and positive posts on your product landing pages to help close the sale with new prospects. Re-Tweet: Re-Tweet their tweets to

4 Ways to use the Content Your Brand Advocates Are Creating2013-07-24T12:46:56-05:00

Brand Advocates Your Unpaid Workforce!

Not all customers are created equal. In a digital world you have three kinds of loyal customers. Those who love you, but keep it to themselves, those who love you and tell their friends and family—and the best kind: those that love you and love to share on social media. Your brand advocates are the

Brand Advocates Your Unpaid Workforce!2013-07-01T19:18:26-05:00

Customer Loyalty: A Whole New World

The web is changing the way companies build loyalty with their customers and how they leverage their most passionate customers to help build their brand. Creativity is key, so here are a few examples to get your creative juices flowing: Embed service technician’s pictures in appointment reminder e-mails or direct mail postcards so customers know

Customer Loyalty: A Whole New World2013-07-24T12:22:43-05:00

An Apple and a Pile of Flowers: Steve Jobs the Business and Personal Impact

[custom_frame_left][/custom_frame_left] As a business owner and a marketer I have always admired Steve Jobs' ability to stay true to the Apple Brand in every aspect of his business...his marketing, packaging, advertising, product development and customer service all drove home the same message, "We have a great respect for our customers." It was inspiring to

An Apple and a Pile of Flowers: Steve Jobs the Business and Personal Impact2013-07-01T19:19:04-05:00

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Phasellus non ante ac dui sagittis volutpat. Curabitur a quam nisl. Nam est elit, congue et quam id, laoreet consequat erat. Aenean porta placerat efficitur. Vestibulum et dictum massa, ac finibus turpis.

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